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KOROSI         Korosi adalah kerusakan sifat logam oleh karena proses elektrokimia, yang biasanya berjalan lambat. Contoh yang paling umum adalah pada logam besi dengan terbentuknya karat oksidanya. Korosi logam melibatkan proses anoda yaitu oksidasi logam menjadi ionnya dengan melepaskan elektron ke dalam (permukaan) logam dan proses katoda   yang mengkonsumsi elektron tersebut dengan laju yang sama. Di bawah ini merupakan proses elektrokimia perkaratan besi: 1. Besi dioksidasi oleh H2O atau ion hidrogen Fe(s) → Fe2+(aq) + 2e- (oksidasi) 2H+ (aq) → 2H(aq) (reduksi) 2. Atom-atom H bergabung menghasilkan H2 2H(aq) → H2(g) 3. Atom-atom H bergabung dengan oksigen 2H(aq) + ½ O2(aq) → H2O(l) 4. Jika konsentrasi H+ cukup tinggi (pH rendah), maka reaksi Fe + 2H+ (aq) → 2H(aq) + Fe2+ (aq) 2H(aq) → H2(g) 5. Ion Fe2+ bereaksi dengan oksigen dan membentuk karat (coklat kemerah-merahan) dan menghasilkan ion H+ yang s...


Name: Muhammad Ichsandro Daniswara Noor Grade: 12 Date: 25 September 2018 Bela Negara Camp in SKADIK 105 Yogyakarta       I choose this work because by following this activities I could be more independent, discipline, punctual, respect, being solid, and others.  I also got a lot of new experiences after following this activities.  From this activities I have learned to manage my time wisely, work together in team, and learn to be ordered.      Skills that I used in this activities are communication skills and social skills. I used these skills by communicate and cooperate with others to complete every task. Habits that I showed during this activities were be proactive, think win-win, and put first things first. I showed these habits by managing the time, be discipline, and remind each other.      Some difficulties I had when doing this activities are adapt with the army environment and following...


Name: Muhammad Ichsandro Daniswara Noor Grade: 11 Date: 27 March 2018 PILAR 5K Subject: Physical Education          I chose this work because by following this event I can learn how to manage a big event and I can also persuade people to do more exercise and be healthy. From this event I have learned how to make and organize an event so it can runs smoothly.          Skills that I used to complete this work were social skills and communication skills. I used these skills by communicate and cooperate with all PSC member to organize this event. Habits that l showed when doing this work were be proactive and think win-win. I showed these habits by working in team and think win-win.          Some difficulties I had when doing this event were managing the participants. Overall, I think this event is excellent because f or the first Pilar 5K event, this event runs smoothly althou...