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Name: Muhammad Ichsandro Daniswara Noor
Grade: 11
Date: 27 March 2018


Subject: Physical Education

         I chose this work because by following this event I can learn how to manage a big event and I can also persuade people to do more exercise and be healthy. From this event I have learned how to make and organize an event so it can runs smoothly.

         Skills that I used to complete this work were social skills and communication skills. I used these skills by communicate and cooperate with all PSC member to organize this event. Habits that l showed when doing this work were be proactive and think win-win. I showed these habits by working in team and think win-win.

         Some difficulties I had when doing this event were managing the participants. Overall, I think this event is excellent because for the first Pilar 5K event, this event runs smoothly although there are still a few problems and I think families are also enthusiast to follow the event until the end.

PPT link: PE PPT


Subject: Chemistry

        I chose this work because I can practice the theory that I have learned and apply it in daily life. In this project I have learned about what is titration and how titration works. Skills that I used to complete this work were thinking skills and research skills. I used these skills by using my knowledge to do the practical test and analyzing the data. 

        Habits that I showed when doing this work were put first things first and sharpen the saw. I showed these habits by implementing the theory that I have learned in the practical test. Some difficulties I had when doing this event were calculating the value and analyzing the data. Overall, I think my work is excellent because I can do the practical test smoothly.



Subject: ART

        I chose this work because I can use my art skills such as painting, shaping, and other by making this project. In this project I have learned how to make a miniature and the process of making it. Skills that I used to complete this work were thinking skills, social skills and communication skills. I used these skills by working together to make this project done.

         Habits that I showed when doing this work were be proactive, put first things first, and think win-win. I showed these habits by completing the task and make the plan before making the miniature. Some difficulties I had when completing this work were making the paper mache. Overall, I think my work is excellent because the result of this project is satisfying.



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